About Dhemaji Development Foundation

We established Dhemaji Development Foundation in 2020 in our quest to find effective ways to solve the relentless problems faced in the livelihoods of economically marginalized communities. Our work across India will be helping us to create and test new livelihood models that transform producers’ lives and greater self-reliance. Through our innovative model for building entrepreneurs & job, we will be networking all the possible ways to make everyone self-reliance. We are working at the macro level as well, with innovative platforms that seek to shape the livelihood environment.

Objective of the Organization:

To provide, promote social welfare in every way including education, awareness program,agricultural, health, environment, culture etc. To create general awareness and provideeducation and training to farmers on agricultural marketing including grading,standardization and quality certification, Provide general awareness programs for villagesfor the betterment of livelihood.

Providing for and contributing to Environment Management by undertaking activities in thefields ofForestry, Wildlife Protection and Bio-diversity Management.

Providing for and contributing to education, scientific research and socio-economicdevelopment in broad areas of Sustainable Development, Women’s Empowerment andNatural Resource Management. To establish, conduct and maintain old age homes, homesfor physically challenged men, women and children and persons with similar disabilities and for granting financial assistance to institutions performing similar activities.Providing for grants, scholarships, fellowships and other forms of financial assistance to theneedy and deserving students for pursuing education, vocational training, skilldevelopment. Topromote education, social through publication.
